domenica 20 febbraio 2011

Week end part 1 + Movies Meme, days 2 & 3

Yesterday I didn't write any posts because I was really busy! I've spent a wonderful day with my bestfriend, we went to Douglas and have some shopping. She bought a lot of sweeties and bakery products. I've bought a heart-printed pencilcase, some cookies and two books: one about Irish ghosts and another one of Alice Sebold called "Lovely Bones". I watched the movie by Peter Jackson based on this novel when I was in Italy and I liked it pretty much.
My bestfriend Mela bought a book  about Irish murders, some donuts, chocolate and cookies. Poor Mela, she is not allowed to eat sweet stuff in her house so she had a lot yesterday which was her free day! I think I wouldn't survive in a house without chocolate!
Then we went back to my house and played with the kids!  We had a lot of fun and my host family really liked her, so she's wecome to come again anytime she wants. Today it's me who is goig to visit her house and family and I'm very curious about that!

day 02 - the most underrated movie

I think one of the most underrated movies is "The last airbender" I really loved that, it's a fantasy story based on a tv animation. It tells the story of a world divided in countries classified by natural elements (for ex. the land of earth) and is spread all over the nations until the one of the fire, a century ago, started to attack the other kingdoms. The Avatar, the special person who can dominate all four elements, is the only one able to restablish peace, but misteriously disapeared at the beginning of the war. 
After a century, two brothers from the tribe of water found a young boy frozen under the water and free both him and his curious giant flying bison. May this young man be the Avatar?

That's the first part of three (Water - Earth - Fire), but unfortunately there are no rumors about a sequel, due to low entries at the box office.

day 03 - a movie that makes you really happy
This movie is "Wedding Crasher" I really love it. It starts with two men, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, whoare used to join weddings without invitations and have fun with single ladies by drinking and one-night-stands. The last wedding they're going to join is the one of an important politician's daughter. He has also two other daughters and a gay son. The two wedding crashers organize everything to enjoy themselves the most, but this time love, excitement and fun is going to create a different mix...

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