giovedì 24 febbraio 2011

Miscellaneous + Movie Meme, day 6 & 7

Yesterday I didn't write anything because it was a really quite day.
I've booked a room in Cork for this Saturday so that me and Mela are going to spend the week end exploring the city and some other places in the county!
I'm planning to visit as much as I can of Ireland during this six months. I really love this place and I don't wanna miss a thing! I think that my age is the right one to start seeing the world. The real one!
I hope to enjoy myself and learn always something more! I don't want to be one of those grey person stucked with one or two interests who loss their curiosity for the world (if they've ever had one).
I don't want to drown in bad thoughts and sadness, life is too short to do that.
First step to feel better is: don't waste my time in things that make me feel bad!

day 06 - favorite made for tv movie
This was the only meme I had no doubt: "Rose Red" is absolutely my favourite tv movie.
That's the sequel, made by Stephen King, of the book (and movie) "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer - My life in Rose Red".
Rose Red is a haunted house that literally absorbs women for different reasons. Everything is connected to the owner of the house, Ellen Rimbauer, and her sense of loneliness. A group of psychics, captained by a paranormal researcher at university, decides to enter in the house before its imminent cleareance. I can't tell you more without spoilers so I'll let you watch it. That's a really good ghost story if you like horror movies without splatter things. Personally I think it's one of my favourite horror movies, the only blemish is that lasts 6 hours! So I suggest you to split it in two parts!

day 07 - the most surprising plot twist or ending
So here is my other favourite ghost story -as the onnly one missing in my top three ghost stories, I suggest you also "Fragile - a ghost story".
"The others" is set in a country house after II World War. There is a mother with two kids affected by photosensitivity looking for a new housekeeper after that all the servants left the house in panic without any explanations. So three mysterious people offer their help, telling that they've already worked in the house in the past and they would be pleased to serve there again.
I really can't tell you more because this movie has an incredible plot and I won't spoil anything!
I recommend that to you and watch it until the end! You'll find that amazing, I promise!

martedì 22 febbraio 2011

Randomous Sadness + Movie Meme, day 5

Today I was thinking about my future.
I really feel like something is missing. I feel better since I left Italy and all the bad things (and people), but I can't stop asking me if the only thing I want to escape from is myself.
I'm afraid of starting a new university or whatever and definitely choose a way for my whole life. I'm afraid of falling in love again, because I don't want to go out with someone just to stop my loneliness. But will someone be really in love with me someday? And above all, can I really love someone again? I'm not sure, and that's so sad. I feel old, like I've waited and lived for centuries instead than few years. I want to be happy now. I want to find the right way, not in general, but the right way for ME. I want to make my parents proud of me. I want to have a home and a family...there are so many other things I want. Maybe I'm too greedy...

day 05 - favorite love story in a movie
That was really difficult to find out. I've a lot of favourite love story in movies, but I can talk about them in other topics, so for this one I've choosen "50 First Dates". That's a really cute story: a playboy falls in love with a beautiful blondie who is the most kind and hottest girl he's ever date but...she suffers of amnesia, and every morning she wakes up sure of living the same day: her father birthday passed years ago. That day she had a car accident wich compromised her brain so she remebers everything before that day, but nothing happened after the car-crash. But love is stronger than any disease...

lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

Week end part 2 + Movies Meme, days 4

Yesterday I went near Ballinhassig where Mela is living and working at the moment.
That's a really nice place, it's a kind of farm with a dog, some horses, a pony, and other animals like chickens and rabbits.
The family is really nice, they have three girls of 13, 10 and 3 years old (the youngest one was adopted in Mexico).
Today it was finally sunny! this morning I woke up quite sad because I dreamt of a friend of mine which I met here in Ireland few years ago and he died in 2009. That was really a strange dream and I was full of nostalgia.
I washed and dried the hair of the grandmother of the house and then I cleaned the bathroom and my bedroom. In the afternoon I played with the kids, also the ones of the neighbours. I really had fun!
Tonight I'm going to watch some italian television, there's a nice tv show! :)

day 04 - a movie that makes you sad

That's Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride". It's really a beautiful movie, but although she rests in peace in the end I feel melanchonic. Maybe because, as the villain said, I feel like her "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride".
Tell me Emily, can a heart still break once it's stopped beating?

domenica 20 febbraio 2011

Week end part 1 + Movies Meme, days 2 & 3

Yesterday I didn't write any posts because I was really busy! I've spent a wonderful day with my bestfriend, we went to Douglas and have some shopping. She bought a lot of sweeties and bakery products. I've bought a heart-printed pencilcase, some cookies and two books: one about Irish ghosts and another one of Alice Sebold called "Lovely Bones". I watched the movie by Peter Jackson based on this novel when I was in Italy and I liked it pretty much.
My bestfriend Mela bought a book  about Irish murders, some donuts, chocolate and cookies. Poor Mela, she is not allowed to eat sweet stuff in her house so she had a lot yesterday which was her free day! I think I wouldn't survive in a house without chocolate!
Then we went back to my house and played with the kids!  We had a lot of fun and my host family really liked her, so she's wecome to come again anytime she wants. Today it's me who is goig to visit her house and family and I'm very curious about that!

day 02 - the most underrated movie

I think one of the most underrated movies is "The last airbender" I really loved that, it's a fantasy story based on a tv animation. It tells the story of a world divided in countries classified by natural elements (for ex. the land of earth) and is spread all over the nations until the one of the fire, a century ago, started to attack the other kingdoms. The Avatar, the special person who can dominate all four elements, is the only one able to restablish peace, but misteriously disapeared at the beginning of the war. 
After a century, two brothers from the tribe of water found a young boy frozen under the water and free both him and his curious giant flying bison. May this young man be the Avatar?

That's the first part of three (Water - Earth - Fire), but unfortunately there are no rumors about a sequel, due to low entries at the box office.

day 03 - a movie that makes you really happy
This movie is "Wedding Crasher" I really love it. It starts with two men, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, whoare used to join weddings without invitations and have fun with single ladies by drinking and one-night-stands. The last wedding they're going to join is the one of an important politician's daughter. He has also two other daughters and a gay son. The two wedding crashers organize everything to enjoy themselves the most, but this time love, excitement and fun is going to create a different mix...